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Em Crowley

photography credit: The lovely and talented Alayna Meeker

It’s the day after Christmas and I’m considering the magnificence of a gift that God has been continuously giving me over the last five or six months.

A gift named Sarah.

God gives the best gifts because He knows. He knows the past, the present, and the future so intimately and even more, He knows us. He knows our needs, our lack, and our weaknesses, our hearts desires, and hopes, and dreams…

God knew the pain of events that were transpiring this summer when Sarah and I (re)connected. He knew how things would change and shake up and break down and fall apart and He knew I needed someone to point me back to Him, over and over and over again.

So He nudged us together.

I would try to scroll back in our texts to pinpoint where and how we really got going but that would take days (no exaggeration). Sarah, a friend/acquaintance who I met through mutual friends ages ago, reached out and invited me to venture into the unknown with her and visit a foreign young adults group (a truly terrifying thing to do alone). And just like that, our friendship shot off like a rocket.

Sarah made me feel safe, at home, welcomed, and accepted with no exceptions, no judgement. She is unfailingly honest, transparent, and unafraid to get into the mud and the struggle of real life.

At a time when I was being judged and criticized by so many of my ‘friends’ and was struggling mightily to do the right thing regardless, Sarah opened her arms to me and said ‘I’m human too. No perfection needed here.’

Oh, what a relief.

There was no ‘trial period’ in our friendship. Often, at the beginning of a new friendship, people will carefully tiptoe through the shallows and edge towards deeper waters with caution to ensure they don’t trust the wrong person. Sarah and I just did an exuberant cannonball into the deep end and didn’t look back. (And to this day we have to remind ourselves to intentionally talk about less serious things because so much of our time is spent delving into the profundity and depths of our hearts and lives.) Sarah chose to trust me and quickly proved herself very trustworthy, and off we went.

What a gift she is.

I’ve never met anyone like my Sarah. There are a million things to love about my dear friend like her talent for photography and words and music (oh don’t even get me started on the Taylor Swift-level breakup song she wrote for me this fall…) and her ability to bring people together and her honesty and her love for kiddos and her dedication to her family and her care and kindness for her friends and her determination and perseverance and soft heart… If you’ve met her, you know. But do you know what I love most about her? Do you know what it is about Sarah that blesses the world (especially me!!) the most?

Sarah loves Jesus.

I mean, Sarah REALLY loves Jesus. In a walk with Him every day, look to Him through every struggle, talk about Him all the time, write worship songs to Him, sing His praises incessantly, encourage people to seek Him, serve Him all over the world kinda way.

Sarah. Loves. Jesus.

She loves Him, and it’s like a bonfire. Don’t you just love a good bonfire? Any time of the year (within the burning season of course), rain or shine, a bonfire is just so comforting and delightful and lovely. And best of all, bonfires draw people in. Haven’t you noticed? A good bonfire or campfire is the perfect way to get people together. Want to have a party but can’t find a good reason? Tell everybody you’re having a bonfire, and they will come.

Sarah’s love for Jesus draws people in. They’re intrigued by the warmth and light and passion, it’s different and inspiring. I think it confuses some people; how is she so excited about Jesus?!

Just ask her. Trust me, she’ll tell you.

The last six months have not been easy for me. On the contrary, they’ve been some of the most difficult I’ve experienced. And Sarah has been there, listening and caring and gently nudging me towards Jesus through every up and down and in-between moment. She honestly shares her life with me and lets me be there for her and allows herself to be cared for. And she hears me out, encourages me, and speaks truth against the lies that fall like hail sometimes.

A gift. A magnificent gift.

I can’t describe to you the blessing this has been or how grateful I am.

Sarah, you are such a delightful, precious gift.

I love you!

Also, I would be completely remiss not to rant and rave for a moment about Sarah's Photography. A genius. An artist. A truly professional professional. Pretty much every photo you will see on this blog was taken by Sarah. She knows how to capture the beauty and personality of everyone in front of her camera. She's an angel and does SUCH good work. Hire her, right now, for every photographic need you have. I promise you, you won't regret it.

Here are her deets:




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