I'm currently working on finally writing a real update about this whole Colombia experience, but I realized that those updates will be a lot more concise and coherent if you already know who I'm talking about!
I'm incredibly grateful to be a part of a really delightful community here in Colombia. Here are the people I live, work, laugh, cry, worship, and teach alongside:
Magnolia & I on her birthday Magnolia & I the day I arrived at her home! She put up the
welcome sign in English just for me!
Perhaps the most important person you'll meet throughout these updates is Marta Magnolia (Magnolia). She is one of the strongest woman I've ever known or worked alongside. She is the director of the ministry I'm working with (called The Foundation, in English), so one could say she's my boss, but more accurately... She is my host (when I first arrived, she insisted that I call her house 'our house', since we're both living there), my friend, a counselor and advisor to many (myself very much included), a wonderful mother, grandmother, sister, and daughter, faithful friend and teacher to a countless number of people. I realized soon after arriving that even if I learn nothing in my time here beyond the wisdom and insights I'm gleaning from spending my best and worst days Magnolia, I will walk away far more blessed than I thought was possible.
The Foundation Crew
I get to serve alongside an absolutely wonderful group of teachers/coworker/friends at The Foundation. They are a delightful, rowdy, energetic (you have to be in this line of work), all-in-for-Jesus group of people who have become like family in the last two months. Here I'll briefly introduce you to all of them.

Luis David & Meliza
Luis David and Meliza are a married couple who both work as teachers at The Foundation. Meliza runs a preschool in the mornings and teaches Logic classes in the afternoons. Luis David is the staff member who's been here the longest (besides Magnolia) and he teaches Music. Luis David also leads worship at the church where Magnolia's parents (to be introduced shortly) are pastors (and where we all attend). I've gotten the opportunity to help lead worship with ukulele and I've been really blessed by Luis & Meliza's friendship.
Natalia is our resident peliroja (redhead) and she inspires a lot of laughter with her extremely dry humor. She teaches Critical Lecture (more or less homework tutoring) and keeps me on my toes by sneaking up behind me and tickling me out of nowhere (this helps with the whole 'missing-my-mischievous-siblings thing). I've been grateful for her friendship, and she's been teaching me a bunch of different Colombian games like Golosa (hopscotch, which apparently can be played competitively?? Who knew??!), Trompo (Google it ;), and Coca (not to be confused with Cocaine haha).
Yennifer (& Diego & Family)
Yennifer is our fantastic Art teacher. She and her husband, Diego, have been a huge blessing to me. They and their two kids, Geronimo and Luciana are such a sweet family and I've been so grateful to be able to spend time with them, both in ministry and hanging out at the river or heading to 'The Big City' (the closest big city is about an hour and a half's drive from here, and I've gotten to travel there with them.) Diego works as a driver, and he was the one who got me safely to Bogotá to pick John up when he came to visit, brought both of us back to the small town where I'm living, and then drove John back to Bogotá when it was time for him to head home. Yennifer is an incredibly creative and talented teacher, and a very sweet, compassionate friend. And their son Geronimo does amazing in my English classes!
Anderson (& Daisy & Family)
Anderson is the Manager of Admin/Bookkeeping here at The Foundation, but he also helps corral kids in between classes and heads up the competitions we hold at the end of each month. Anderson is undeniably hilarious, and his laugh can oft be heard interrupting classes or filling our free time hangouts. ;) He attends my Adult English Classes when he can, and is a star student. His wife, Daisy, leads women's Bible study at the church and is perhaps one of the brightest, most joyful people I've met here. Their two kids Guadalupe and Jacobo are super sweet (although Guada does keep me on my toes in class... she's got a lot of, shall we say, spunk ;) They're another wonderful family that I'm daily blessed and encouraged by.
Samuel & Elizabet & Family (The Charry's)
I'm rather shocked and dismayed to realize that I don't have any pictures with the Charry family, but truth be told, I'm rarely thinking about taking pictures and thus don't have many to boast of my time here. Samuel is Magnolia's brother and he's the founder and CEO of the consulting company in Bogotá that funds The Foundation. He and his wife Elizabet have been like stand-in parents for me; they've invited me into their home many, many times, and have met me in some of my hardest moments to offer grace, assurance, and counsel. They have three daughters, Camila (13), Daniela (11), and Sofia (6), who have filled the part of my heart that desperately misses my sisters. These girls love Jesus, excel at making me laugh, and are such lovely friends (they do a homeschooling program through the States so they speak excellent English which has been such a relief on the days when my Spanish gives out!). They've blessed me enormously simply by letting me come over for movies and sleepovers and boardgames and laughter. The Charry family has filled my deep need for family time and have blessed me beyond what I can express.

Don Ricardo & Doña Marina
Don Ricardo and Doña Marina are Samuel and Magnolia's parents and the pastors of the church where most of the staff and families from The Foundation attend. They are in their 70's and 80's and are still spry in every way. Magnolia and I get to each lunch with them at their house every day, and they have been an enormous blessing to me. Ricardo has an amazing sense of humor and loves talking about how John and I are going to have 10 kids (I asked him if he's planning on helping us pay to feed all those kids and he agreed to send $1 per year, which was very generous ;). Marina has an incredible work ethic and is what every grandma/pastors wife should be - compassionate, wise, full of life and energy, and always ready to hop in the river with her grandkids. These two have been serving the Lord as pastors all over Colombia for fifty-some years and they are an incredible inspiration.

Andrés, Natalia, and Salo
Andrés is Magnolia's son and was my first connection with The Foundation when I was on my DTS Outreach! He hosted our team at his church in Bogotá and was the one who brought us all here to this wonderful town and helped us connect with the amazing people and ministry here. He and his wife, Natalia, became like family to all of us as we stayed with them and ministered (and played and enjoyed free days and laughed and danced!) with them. Their daughter Salo just turned 7 months old and she is UNBELIEVABLY ADORABLE. My baby fever has never been so intense as the days I've spent with them in Bogotá during this trip. They hosted me for a night when I arrived in Bogotá, and they hosted both John and I for a couple of days when he was here and they helped me show John around the city before we headed for The Foundation! They are an incredible couple and I have been so incredibly grateful for their friendship.
God has been incredibly gracious to place me in a community that is full of life, joy, and connection. Being far away from home has felt really lonely this time around, yet having this group of people who love Jesus and show me intentional love so well has blessed me and helped to fill that gap.
Thank you so much to each and every person who has been praying for me so faithfully and who have sent me consistent words of life and encouragement through this challenging and rich season. I am so incredibly grateful for you! Your love and faithfulness has bolstered and encouraged me and you are part of what God is doing here in Colombia.
Now I'm off to try and write an 'update' from my first two months here! Wish me luck!
Love to all,