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The Update Before the Update ;)

Em Crowley

Well, it has been a minute, hasn't it?

The last you heard from me on this on-again, off-again blog of mine, I was home from my DTS, donning my miners cap and digging industriously into the singleness season while trying to figure out what to do with my life.

Oh, but that was so 245 days ago.

Now I find myself writing this 'pre-update update' from my very own classroom in a teeny tiny town in the middle of the middle of nowhere in Colombia, with a super cute picture of me and my boyfriend, John (who I plan on marrying *squeals* ;) as my computer screensaver, still mildly shocked by how fast God can change things up.

So. I have moved to Colombia for three months. How did we end up here, exactly?

Throughout 2023 I found myself seeking direction and confirmation for what was 'next' in life for me. Slowly and gently, God began pointing me back towards the place I fell in love with on Outreach, a small pueblo five-ish hours from Bogotá, the capital of Colombia. I reconnected with the wonderful people who run the church and youth outreach ministry there, and they asked if I would come teach English. My response?

"Uh... sure! I have absolutely no idea how to do that, but sure!" (*cue internal freakout, both from excitement and sheer terror. lol.*)

So, I did my research and signed up for an International TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Certification Course and bought my plane tickets. I had to re-learn how to do homework just for this course... After all, it had been well over four years since I graduated high school and I had no concept of how hard my brain would have to work to get back into the swing of... assignments and papers and quizzes and studying. Oy vey.

But, I was gearing up. Getting ready for a three month test-run back in the country that I fell head-over-heels in love with when I first arrived over a year and a half ago. A three month test run that could turn into three years or three decades, who knows? I had no idea, but I was ready and willing.

And then... I met someone.

*collective gasp*

Yes indeed, I met a very tall, very handsome, very charming man named John. And I met him... online.

*even more shocked collective gasp*

The story is long and completely wonderful and at times hilarious and occasionally rollercoaster-y, and I'll certainly take time to put it all into words soon, but suffice it to say... God is good. He gives really good gifts. And He loves to surprise us by doing things His way. Sometimes I genuinely wonder if it amuses God to do things the complete opposite of the way we imagine them happening, like perhaps He orchestrates things just so He can chuckle at our bewilderment. But in all seriousness, I know that the Lord arranged this whole process to increase my faith, my willingness to trust, and my understanding of just how trustworthy He is.

In the beginning of me & John's relationship, I wrestling with what seemed to be two conflicting messages from the Lord:

1. Go back to Colombia.


2. Trust me, this guy is worth trusting, and this relationship is worth investing in.

Obedience is so incredibly important to me, and I feared a misstep that could potentially take me off of the path of obedience. Through all of my back and forth, though, God was patient and clear. I could obey Him by honoring my commitment to go in January and teach English for three months, and I could also step confidently into this relationship with this really cool guy who I was very quickly falling in love with.

And so, onward we went.

And sure enough, here we are. (you might want to either hold your breath or look away for the next part--it's real sappy) I have fallen in love in a way I genuinely didn't think was possible outside of my day dreams and favorite romcoms. John is the answer to a thousand prayers and the realization of every dream and then some. It's hard to fathom being more grateful, but I wake up with more gratitude every day, so I'm sure tomorrow it will overflow even more. And I'm living out a crazy adventure in an absolutely gorgeous place, with some of the loveliest people on the planet, being stretched far beyond my limit and seeing God answer prayers in miraculous ways. It's all absolutely beautiful, wonderful, wild, crazy, exciting, challenging, delightful, and deep. So, so deep. Thank you, Jesus. So! Now you have the backstory (or approximately 17% of it) and now I can begin posting Colombia English Teaching Adventure Updates without leaving anyone in confusion. (I hope.) I love you all! Thank you so much for loving, supporting, and cheering me on. Your prayers are precious to me.

More detailed Colombia update coming soon!

Big love,



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