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Em Crowley

Our main outreach focus will be Colombia!

A few quick facts about Colombia:

Population: 50.88 million

Main religions: Catholicism, Christianity, Jehovah’s Witness, etc.

Number of indigenous people groups: approx. 115

Languages spoken: approx. 101 languages

For our very first week of outreach we will travel to Guadalajara (the second biggest city in Mexico) to work with a church there.

From there, in the second week of July, we will travel to Bogotá, Colombia!

We will be going out to several different locations and indigenous people groups during our outreach, with Bogotá acting like our home base.

We will go to Leticia and up the river (into the Amazon!) to serve the Ticuna people (among others!). After Leticia we’ll go to the Chokó and Caribe peoples. Each of these locations and people groups are in very diverse parts of Colombia and we’re super excited to get to share the love of Jesus with so many different kinds of people!

After our indigenous outreaches we will return to Bogotá to spend some time working with a church there to really invest in the leaders, the congregation and the youth as they desire to send their own people out to make disciples of all nations! We want to show Jesus and get people excited to go out and share Jesus!

After we say goodby to Colombia we will have the honor of being one of the first groups to do outreach on YWAM Mazatlán’s Mercy Ship the Amazing Grace! Lord willing, we will spend almost two weeks traveling to different isolated coastal towns and villages to serve and share Jesus with them!

Once our time on the Amazing Grace is complete, we will head back to Mazatlán!

I will continue to update this blog post as I get more details!

Prayer requests:

  • That God will prepare the way before us and get people ready to receive His love through us!

  • Wisdom and energy for our outreach leaders (mine are Niqo and Emma; the México outreach team leaders are Macy and Brian) as they plan logistics and seek out contacts in the outreach locations.

  • More and more and more love and unity within our team! The more unified we are, the more effective we will be! They will know us by the way we love each other.

  • That we would take every opportunity to grow and be prepared for the things God will require of us during Outreach.

  • That God would increase my dancing skills so I can fit in with every other Colombian who’s ever lived (oh, they can ✨dance✨!)

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