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w e e k • f i v e

Em Crowley

Each week it gets harder to summarize everything that happened and everything I learned… and apparently it also gets harder to get these updates out on time 😂

Things that happened this last week:

  • I caught the stomach bug and threw up for the first time in almost ten years (no joke. Quite a record to break!)

  • I got some *amazing* teaching about fear of the Lord. Each week of lectures continues to grow and renew my understanding of Who God is and how He relates to me, and THAT is where real life change begins.

  • I learned how to bachata last week!! It’s a dance that originated in the Dominican Republic and is the most fun I’ve had dancing… I think probably ever. :)

  • We had an open mic creative night and I got the chance to share a poem I had written while trying to process some of the teaching. It was incredibly encouraging to see how God is able to use the gift He gave me for words to encourage and uplift others.

For one of our ‘Fear of the Lord’ lectures we were given the opportunity to write down our own definition of what the fear of the Lord is based on what we’d learned. This is my definition; I think it sums up what this week taught me so well:

I thought I’d keep last weeks update short and sweet as this current weeks update will probably be a little longer (I have a lot to share from this week!)

Thank you so much for the continued prayers and encouragement!

Big loves, big hugs,


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