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w e e k • s i x

Em Crowley

What a weeeeeek!!

Wow, it was a whirlwind. We learned about Relationships from our DTS leaders Luis and Eli (that’s the Spanish version of Ellie for my US friends) and it was spicyyyy. Most people anticipate ’Relationships Week’ to be mostly about romantic relationships… Fortunately our leaders understand what’s truly needed, and spent 80% of the week focusing simply on the foundational principles that are necessary for all good and healthy relationships. I was convicted, encouraged, inspired and challenged. I definitely had some big lightbulbs moments, the biggest one being:

All relationships flow out of our relationship with God; if you want your earthly relationships to thrive, walk more and more closely with Jesus.

I had some significant decisions to make this week which were stressful and hard but ultimately drove me to the feet of my Father and taught me some incredibly valuable lessons about hearing and obeying.

God began speaking to me about some big ways He wants to use my gift for words and I am beyond excited!!! He asked me to write a prophetic poem for someone and that was delightful beyond what I can express. I love it when God gives us an opportunity to be used by Him while doing things we love to do. It is probably one of the best poems I have written to date… that’s what happens when you and the Holy Spirit partner in creativity!

One of the BEST things that happened this week was our first Outreach team meeting!! We got to learn about our itinerary and the different indigenous groups we’ll get to be serving. I could not be more stoked about the plans that God has for us on this outreach!!

If you’re interested in more info about where we’ll be going for outreach and what that will look like, I’m going to write an outreach blog that I will continually add to as we get more plans nailed down!

When I do get that blog post up, the link will be here.

With outreach comes outreach fees! Through Gods faithfulness I have more than half of what I need for outreach fees, but I still need approximately $1,500 to cover those outreach fees.

The deadline for those fees is in less than two weeks, so I am working on connecting with people who are interested in partnering with missions in this way as much as possible.

If God invites you to support me on my outreach, the simplest way to do that is through a banking app (PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, Zelle… I have it all ;) or through YWAM Mazatlán’s donation page (it’s super easy to use and it makes your gift tax deductible, too!). You can connect with me via email at, DM me via Instagram or Facebook or by phone at (503) 462-5841 to figure out details! And if you know someone who is interested in missions, please feel free to pass along my info, I would love to chat with them!

This week I got to take an Outreach prep trip to San Diego with my leaders to take care of some Visa and health stuff that couldn’t be completed in México. I am so extremely grateful for these three days we had to get stuff done but we were also so blessed by our hosts hospitality. This weekend left us feeling so incredibly rested and refreshed.

This post is already so long but I want to say one last thing!

Thank you.

I am so completely humbled by the fact that you, my friend, are part of the reason I am able to be here, experiencing the love and goodness of God, growing and healing, learning and being stretched. It’s been six weeks and my life has been completely changed. And the wonderful thing is, the changes that God has made in my heart through DTS will go on to change more lives, because I cannot keep the gospel to myself. I am incapable of sufficiently expressing my gratitude. Thank you for praying. Thank you for sending me out with so much love and support. Thank you for your willingness to sacrifice financially so that I can be where I am. Thank you for continually loving on me even from so far away.

I am so thankful.

I love you!!

Big love, big hugs,



  • A wonderfully restful weekend!

  • Health! I’m all better from the flu!

  • We’re continuing to gel and mesh together as a team as community!


  • Raising outreach funds

  • Even more unity, especially within our outreach teams

  • Endurance and energy as we’ll be learning about the Holy Spirit this week!

  • Continued growth and openness to what God wants to teach us!

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